Twitter Suspension Again – For Opposing Extremists?

It seems Twitter isn’t too keen on tweets that point out extremism and highlight the other victims of extremist that don’t receive much support from the MSM and pseudo-liberal feminists in the West.

I suspected the problem here is their shitty algorithms that can’t detect the sarcasm in the first sentence. But then, follow ups and other sources make it look more like a political agenda at work, or perhaps a targeted complaint.

Here’s an email from Twitter, along with the offending tweet from me.


No clue as to why it’s a problem, it just is. I’m not sure how Twitter thinks it is going to rid itself of tweets and accounts it doesn’t like simply by pointing to a general list of issues it finds problematic. Who the heck reads that, before they find they have transgressed?

From what I recall my tweet was a response to someone … I think this one:

Ex-Muslims have done nothing to diminish the suffering at Christchurch. So, if anything I found this to be an extremely offensive tweet targeting ex-Muslims.

While many Muslims have been using the Christchurch incident for political purposes, even diminishing Islamic extremism in the process, ex-Muslims have done nothing more than challenge the gullible pseudo-liberal non-Muslim women that have been wearing the hijab in solidarity, apparently totally uninterested in the suffering of women forced to wear it.

The image I included will have been a murdered ex-Muslim in Bangladesh. This is a publicly available image that brings home the brutality of the violent extremism I oppose.


My First Appeal

Here’s my first appeal. I expect this won’t cut it.

The tweet flagged was a reporting events that actually happened. It describes the plight of Muslims and ex-Muslims at the hands of extremists. It’s denouncing extremists. Why is it suspended?

We’ll see how it goes …

Summary Execution from Twittarabia


No details, and apparently unrelated to the tweet cited for the suspension.

I responded to someone’s targeted abuse of ex-Muslims, and supported the right of ex-Muslims to feel safe, or not to be intimidated into silence by targeted abuse such as that from @agnostroccan. And I gave an example of the brutal silencing of ex-Muslims. I was actually supporting those that wish to express opinions that are diverse in relation to the opinions of those that would oppress them.

And, what a surprise … no mere suspension, the account has gone.


So, what’s happened here? Is it the case that @agnostroccan has been kicked off Twitter, by Twitter, for targeting abuse at ex-Muslims? Or, is it the case that @agnostroccan received a lot of backlash against that hateful tweet, and closed the account themselves … and perhaps complained to Twitter, and those that actually objected to the hateful tweet are the ones being suspended?

Who knows. Unfortunately Twitter isn’t too good at resolving these problems, because nobody ever gets to know what’s really going on.

My Second Appeal

Once they close the ticket, after telling you the account is permanently suspended, there’s no re-opening the ticket. You have to start a separate ticket.

So, I did. I asked for the specifics of the offence, given that the charge of harassment has nothing to do with the particular tweet cited in the original suspension.

Their next response? Same useless response.


My Third Appeal

You will not answer my questions that ask you for evidence of why my account is suspended. You state a reason but provide no evidence. Where is your evidence I’ve engaged in targeted abuse?

Still Waiting – 13 Days

Twitter-Suspension-005-No reply after 13 days

Another Appeal

Yes, I have access to this email address.

Further more, I dispute the (inconsistent) charges made at the time of and after the suspension. Furthermore, the suspension flies in the face of sentiments expressed by Jack Dorsey, Vijaya Gadde on the Joe Rogan show. And, you have not provided any specific information about how exactly I broke the community rules.

My First Suspension

The image below was from my first suspension … pointing out that some moron didn’t understand what ‘alt-right’ means. Never did find out the specifics of what was wrong here. I was on holiday and just caved and deleted the tweets. Should have fought it then.


Twitter Bias

Several people have been highlighting the problem with social media platforms operating under a political bias.

Tim Pool and others have exposed the bias of Twitter, and the free wheeling runaway train that is the Twitter team for evaluation.

And here’s a report from the right wing site Veritas that exposes Twitter’s tendency to let this bias run.

Nothing Jack Dorsey and Vijaya Gadde said refuted any of this.

20 thoughts on “Twitter Suspension Again – For Opposing Extremists?

  1. We live in a world where people no longer rely on facts or the importance of Individuality. We now live in a world where being authentic and true to your Self is a criminal offense. A world where you’re not allowed to go beyond that of which limits your imagination and conscious, creative impulses. And all we are left with is a society where there are no morals/ethics, no ability to apply rationality and reason, and we are left with a system of broken dreams and pitiful excuses for making false civilizations.

    “Emotions neither prove nor disprove facts. There was a time when any rational adult understood this. But years of dumbed-down education and emphasis on how people ‘feel’ have left too many people unable to see through this media gimmick.”

    ~ Thomas Sowell

  2. Received same treatment by denouncing Islam as a cult, led by a secular extremist. Was threatened by a Muslim poster and boom, suspension. Don’t really care except that once again it is proven that Twitter is a voice for liberals and non Christians only. If I were FBI, I’d keep a close eye on Dorsey and his ilk.

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